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2021 제3차 포럼


Start Title
12:30 등록
13:00 개회사 정진환(대한신경손상학회 회장)
축사 박인성(대한신경외과학회 회장)
Session 1. Focus on ER 좌장: 조용준(한림대), 정진환(한양대)
13:10 Optic nerve sheath diameter and intracranial pressure 전진평(한림대)
13:30 ECA embolization for the management of severe bleeding from craniofacial fracture 정준호(연세대)
13:50 Hemodynamic management of acute spinal cord injury 김경태(경북대)
Session 2. Focus on OR 좌장: 전상용(울산대), 이상구(단국대)
14:10 Emergency operation for neurotrauma with COVID-19 윤정호(단국대)
14:30 How to manage the dura in decompressive craniectomy 정태석(가천대)
14:50 Severe traumatic cervical spinal cord injury without fracture in elderly patients – how manage? surgery or conservative 이정환(부산대)
15:10 Coffee Break
Session 3. Focus on ICU 좌장: 박관호(중앙보훈병원), 김세혁(아주대)
15:30 Respiratory therapy and rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injury 문재영(세종충남대병원 호흡기내과)
15:50 Role of ICU specialist-neurosurgeon 오지웅(연세대)
16:10 Sedation management in ICU 김경환(충남대)
Session 4. Focus on OPD 좌장: 권정택(중앙대), 조성민(연세원주의대)
16:30 Cognitive rehabilitation after TBI 이후영(국립교통재활병원)
16:50 Updates of management in osteoporosis 배인석(을지대)
17:10 Pain control in spinal cord injury patients 오영민(전북대)
17:30 폐회사
서울시 서초구 서초대로 350, 407호(서초동, 동아빌라트2타운)

T. 02-523-6811 / F. 02-523-6812